The Sydney Eye Hospital is a quaternary referral unit for eye diseases that receives patients from across the state of New South Wales in Australia.
Prof Stephanie Watson, the chief investigator for SCORPIO in Australia, is a corneal specialist and the head of the Corneal Research Group at the University of Sydney, Save Sight Institute, and the Head of the Corneal Unit at the Sydney Eye Hospital.
In the Corneal Research Group, our main research areas are:
1. Serious ocular infections: This research aims to determine the pattern of pathogenic microbes and the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in the most common, sight-threatening eye infections. We have established the first Bacterial Ocular Surveillance System for tracking local antimicrobial resistance patterns in microbial keratitis
2. Fight Corneal Blindness! Project: The Fight Corneal Blindness! (FCB!) Project utilises the Save Sight Registry - one of the most advanced ophthalmic web-based registries in the world, to track outcomes from corneal disease. It is a unique and sophisticated platform for tracking the long-term effectiveness and safety of treatments for corneal disease. It includes three registries: Keratoconus, Dry Eye disease and an optometry module.
3. Therapeutics and Technology: We run clinical trials in dry eye and viral conjunctivitis. We have also developed a world-first stem cell transplantation technique and developed a laser-activated chitosan bioadhesive that can be applied rapidly to the eye in place of sutures. The bioadhesive is also capable of delivering anti-infective and anti-inflammatory agents to wounds in eye surgery.