Association Between Baseline Macular Morphologic Features on Optical Coherence Tomography and Visual Outcomes in Patients with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease.

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TitleAssociation Between Baseline Macular Morphologic Features on Optical Coherence Tomography and Visual Outcomes in Patients with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2025
AuthorsSundararajan M, Rathinam SR, Thundikandy R, Kanakath A, Balamurugan S, Vedhanayaki R, D Miller C, Lim LL, Suhler EB, Al-Dhibi HA, Arellanes-Garcia L, Reddy AK, Feng S, Doan T, Porco TC, Shantha JG, Acharya NR, Gonzales JA
JournalOcul Immunol Inflamm
Date Published2025 Feb
KeywordsAdult, Female, Fluorescein Angiography, Humans, Immunosuppressive Agents, Macula Lutea, Male, Methotrexate, Middle Aged, Mycophenolic Acid, Retinal Detachment, Retinal Pigment Epithelium, Tomography, Optical Coherence, Uveomeningoencephalitic Syndrome, Visual Acuity

PURPOSE: The choroidal thickening and serous retinal detachments that characterize Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) disease can be imaged in detail using spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). Whether specific qualitative and quantitative SD-OCT features at presentation were associated with visual outcomes in a randomized controlled trial comparing methotrexate to mycophenolate for steroid-sparing control of uveitis were evaluated.

METHODS: An exploratory subanalysis of data from the FAST trial in which SD-OCT images from VKH participants were analyzed for presence/absence of bacillary detachments, retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) folds, and internal limiting membrane (ILM) fluctuations was performed. A modified RPE undulation index was calculated to provide a quantifiable surrogate marker for choroidal folds.

RESULTS: SD-OCT images were available from 158 eyes with VKH. At baseline, bacillary detachments were present in 23.5% of eyes, RPE folds in 22.8% of eyes, and ILM fluctuations in 35.2% of eyes. For each 0.1 unit increase in modified RPE undulation index, there was an associated 0.13 increase in mean logMAR BSCVA at baseline. None of the SD-OCT features were associated with BSCVA at the 6-month primary endpoint. Indeed, mean final BSCVA was similar in those with and without the SD-OCT features of interest at baseline, and was between 0.1 and 0.2 logMAR (Snellen visual acuity 20/25 to 20/30).

CONCLUSIONS: While eyes with VKH may present with a variety of SD-OCT imaging pathology prior to starting immunosuppression with methotrexate or mycophenolate mofetil, final visual outcome in our study was excellent. With appropriate immunosuppression, good visual outcomes are possible in Identifier NCT01829295Date of Registration: April 11, 2013.

Alternate JournalOcul Immunol Inflamm
PubMed ID39190826
PubMed Central IDPMC11785501
Grant ListU10 EY021125 / EY / NEI NIH HHS / United States