Reduction of Coronavirus Burden With Mass Azithromycin Distribution.

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TitleReduction of Coronavirus Burden With Mass Azithromycin Distribution.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsDoan T, Hinterwirth A, Arzika AM, Worden L, Chen C, Zhong L, Oldenburg CE, Keenan JD, Lietman TM
JournalClin Infect Dis
Date Published2020 11 19
KeywordsAdministration, Oral, Antiviral Agents, Azithromycin, Child, Preschool, Coronavirus, Coronavirus Infections, Humans, Infant, Infant, Newborn, Mass Drug Administration, Nasopharynx, Nigeria, Viral Load

We evaluated the potential antiviral effects of azithromycin on the nasopharyngeal virome of Nigerien children who had received multiple rounds of mass drug administration. We found that the respiratory burden of non-severe acute respiratory syndrome coronaviruses was decreased with azithromycin distributions. Clinical Trials Registration. NCT02047981.

Alternate JournalClin Infect Dis
PubMed ID32426812
PubMed Central IDPMC7314118
Grant ListR25 MH083620 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States